Monday, September 27, 2010



Innovative Physics: Arun Gathoria Introduction

Subject :          1) Challenging the theories of Gravity (Newton & Einstein’s both)
                        2) Discovery of new / perfect  / ultimate theory of the Universe
Ref.:                1) The births of stars and planets remains largely mysterious because the events are shrouded in dust. (pg. 82 Col. 1, Para. 4)

                        2) Europe’s physicist want to explore the limit’s of contemporary physics, looking for any flaws in the fundamental theories developed in the 20th century that may open the door to the most profound discoveries of the 21st century. (pg. 83, Col. 2, Para 1)
                        Both the above reference are from ‘Cosmic Vision’ of ‘European Space Agency’ under its project of ‘Space Science for Europe 2015-2025’

3) Burning bright, the fearful symmetry of the Hourglass Nebula is framed by a process as yet unknown. (pg. 116, Hourglass Nebula MyCn18 / Plentary Nebula / 8 thousand light years from Universe by Nicholas Cheetham, published by Smith-Devies Publishing, 46 Dorset Street, London, UK) 

4) Now, nearly 300 years later, a new theory is shaking the very roots of physics. Unleashing a flurry of new experiments and sharp debate, the theory suggests the existence of a new force in nature. If indeed this theory is correct, it might prove the teachings of Galileo, Newton and even Einstein wrong, by proving that there is a force that works against gravity. (from Physical Science / Student text & Annotated Teacher’s Edition, Second Edition 1991, Published by Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Clifts, New Jersey – 07632)

In the light of above references and new experiments and observations, I am glad to inform you that finding the major flaws in existing fundamental Physics. I have discovered an ultimate / perfect / new theory of Universe under following headings : -
1.                  Contradictions to first law of Motion by natural evidence.
2.                  Centrifugal force : a real force of the nature.
3.                  Contradiction to Einstein general theory of Relativity.
4.                  New laws of motion.
5.                  Angular force: A unique and most fundamental force of the nature, responsible for structure and modeling of the Universe and its full Physics. It is the same force responsible for anomalies in the tracking of Pioneer-10 spacecraft of NASA and the formation of an enormous hole in the Universe nearly a billion light years across as discovered by astronomers of University of Minnesota ( and model of the Universe as discovered by myself given in CD.
6.                  Unified field theory of the Universe: Unification of electromagnetic force with gravitational force in just a single step.
7.                  The birth & development of Quasar / Galaxy / Star / Planet / Sun spot / Tsunami / Earthquake /ATOM / Electron as consequences of the Angular force of the nature.
8.                  Contradiction to E=mc2 in just two steps (Contradiction to Einstein’s special theory of relativity)
I have already got the copyright of my work and I am interested to keep them safe upto myself. I welcome any organization for a peer review on my work by a group of scientist of fundamental Physics and for the same purpose a C.D. on my initial work ideas on fundamental Physics is enclosed herewith.
I am sure that after a complete peer review of my work, there shall be no mystery remains on Universe as we will have the perfect / ultimate model of the Universe along with a new theory describing / explaining how galaxy / stars / planet came into being in it.
I shall be highly please to interact with all scientists on video-conferencing.
Hoping for critics and questions.
Kindly reply on my e-mail –
With regards,

Arun Gathoria
(A freelance Scientist in Physics)


Arun Gathoria, India.
Consider a body on which no net force acts. If the body is at rest, it will remain at rest .If the body is moving with constant velocity, it will continue to do so.
On analysis of above stated Newton’s first law of motion it may be classified in two parts: first resting inertia and second is kinetic inertia. In resting inertia, the body remains at rest at net force zero which may be generalized as rest without force, while in Kinetic inertia, the body remains in constant velocity at net force zero which may be generalized as motion without force.
We know that force is a vector quantity that has both magnitude and direction. In a graphical expression of a net vector zero, magnitude and its direction both gets disappear. While in constant motion there is a straight direction, then how it can be claimed that a force of zero magnitude is acting in it? Therefore, the concept of constant motion in straight line at net force zero is totally a baseless concept.
The theme of the first law of motion is based on an assumption that there is no external force in the vacuum of distant space (see ref:2) and all the stars are moving with a very constant velocity. So great scientist Galileo developed the idea of first law of motion and Newton gave it mathematics that a constant motion takes place only in the condition of net zero force. But today scientists know very well that electromagnetism is a fundamental force of the Universe with a range of infinite (ยต)(see ref:4) It is an eternal force found throughout the universe, hence it may not be limited under the terms of until and unless mentioned in the following definition of first law of motion:-
An object in a state of rest or in constant motion in a straight direction will remain as it is, until and unless an external force is applied on it.
As, the electromagnetic force is an eternal force of the Universe and it induces a braking force in moving astronomical bodies which resists their motion as per Lenz's law of electromagnetism (see ref:3).Therefore it is not possible for astronomical bodies to move at net zero force (a motion without force) in presence of above well-proved braking force. The motion of any astronomical body is possible only in presence of an eternal overcoming force. Indeed, constant motion of the astronomical bodies is a consequence of electromagnetically induced braking force and an overcoming force which has not been discovered by other scientists so far. What is that eternal overcoming force? What is it's magnitude and nature that all have also been discovered by the same author and very soon by the end of year 2008, we will say good bye to Newton's first law of motion from fundamental Physics and the vacuum created by such a way, shall be fulfilled by the Physics of the overcoming force which is indeed new physical and a very eternal fundamental force of the Universe.
Conclusion: -
 It is well clear from the above description that the definition of vector Quantity/ zero vector and concept of magnetic braking and overcoming forces has brought the Newton's first law of motion within fallacy. As the classical mechanics (motion under central force) and Einstein's special and general theories of relativity, these all are the products of Newton's first law of motion, therefore these all the products are also within fallacy. Although, the Author has contradicted these all products individually by mathematics and natural evidences.
Contradiction to classical mechanics:
Historically, Galileo developed the concept of motion without force and Newton gave mathematics to his concept that in a constant motion, in a straight line, an object remains at net force zero. Although, this mathematical statement is not consistent with the definition of vector quantity/ net vector zero however, if we consider the same as correct statement, it immediately gets disapproved / contradicted authentically by a mathematical / practical model of an object freely suspended in mid air (unconstrained) in a room.
Gravity (+mg) is a field force acting on the object     GSS in downward direction and magnetic repulsion (- mg) which is also a field force acting on the same object in upward direction. Both the field forces follow the inverse squares law. Therefore, the point where these forces equalizes each other object     GSS remains freely suspended in mid air at net force zero (, see ref:1,static equilibrium ). This freely mid air suspended object
     GSS is in rest because it is in angular motion along with the earth with same angular velocity. Therefore, in 24 hours it makes a free round trajectory in respect to the central axis of the earth which is counted at rest mathematically.
The free round trajectory in classical mechanics is formed by a central force mechanism acting on an object in kinetic inertia (motion without force).  Indeed classical mechanics is made of two concepts, first motion without force in straight direction and second, circular motion under central force acting on the object already moving without force in straight direction. While practically we have a free round trajectory of an object GSS· in circular motion at net force zero as a natural evidence, then there is no option other than to consider the existing classical mechanics as a fake mechanics.
Karl Popper, the philosopher of science, has laid down this criterion for a scientific theory: it should be testable and in principle disprovable. In other words we should be able to think of a test whose outcome could rule out the theory survives – until somebody can think of another more stringent test. Popper’s criterion provides us with a way of distinguishing between philosophical speculation and a scientific theory.
(Dr.Jayant V. Narlikar, Director IUCAA)
In the light of above statement circular motion of freely suspended (unconstrained) object GSS · and its round trajectory in 24 hour at net force zero – rules out and disproves the following  :
1.                  Claim of kinetic inertia claimed as constant velocity at net force zero.
2.                  Claim of circular motion claimed at central force mv2/r or GMm/r2.

The symptom of wrong scientific theory is that to keep its prediction intact additional assumptions have to be made. Subsequently even these assumptions become untenable. (Dr.Jayant V. Narlikar, Director IUCAA)
In the light of above statement author claims that the claim of circular motion of an object claimed at the magnitude of central force is fully based on a untenable / additional assumption of centrifugal force as a pseudo force. In a forth coming next research paper author has proved mathematically as well as practically the centrifugal force as a real force of the nature. His this discovery disproves the classical mechanics authentically and totally.

While in Figure 1 and 2A, the ·GSS object remains freely suspended (Unconstrained) at net force zero in circular motion and makes a free round trajectory in 24 hours around the central axis of the earth, how could we assume that a force of gravity over a ~geostationary satellite in the space at the height of 40,000 km is responsible for its orbital motion (circular motion). Indeed, like the object  · GSS artificial geostationary satellite ~also remains at net force zero due to presence of a real centrifugal force   but to establish the classical mechanics as a reality, we take the centrifugal force as a pseudo / fictitious/ imaginary one in fundamental physics but how this force is a real one is described in the research paper on Mathematical determination of centrifugal force: a real force of the nature by the same author. While, centripetal and real centrifugal force equalizes each other then what real force is responsible for circulation motion of an object that is a subject matter of new Laws of motion and circular mechanics that shall be shared latter on in our further communication.

Note: The next paper on Centrifugal Force as a real force by the same author is just explanatory /complimentary one to this paper.


Figure 1: The Photograph of a magnetic disk levitating over a super Conducting Material.

(It is the analogy of Geostationary satellite, magnetic disk is freely suspended in mid air at net force zero (Unconstrained). Gravitational force acting on the magnetic disk., is equalized by repulsive magnetic field force.

About figures: -
Figure:1 An object GSS· freely suspended (Unconstrained) in mid air at net force zero, in the room on the earth. Such object is available in the form of magnetic levitating disc in the dept. of electrical engineering Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi – 110016

Figure 2 A Now we have two different types of motions at same net force “zero”. One is Newtonian hypothetical Inertial motion where in moving object remains in constant velocity at net force “zero”. Other one is circular motion of an object GSS· which remains freely suspended (Unconstrained) in mid air at net force “zero” and remains in uniform circular motion along with the uniform angular velocity of the Earth and makes a free round trajectory in 24 hours in respect to “centre axis” of the rotating Earth which is counted at rest mathematically.

Figure : 2 B Now we have two identical uniform circular motions at different net forces. One is of Geostationary satellite ~ in space which takes place at the magnitude of gravitational force GMm/r2 acting toward  the centre of the earth, while other one is of object GSS·, freely suspended (Unconstrained) in mid air at net force zero, in the room on the earth.
About the Author:
Author Mr. Arun Gathoria is a fully amateur & freelance researcher in fundamental Physics. He has spent his whole life in study & search of new fundamental in Physics. He has made the following discoveries :
1.                  Contradictions to first law of Motion by natural evidence.
2.                  Centrifugal force : a real force of the nature
3.                  Contradiction to Einstein general theory of Relativity
4.                  New Laws of Motion.
5.                  Angular force: a unique and most fundamental force of the nature, responsible for structure and modeling of the Universe and its full Physics.
6.                  Unified Field theory of the Universe : Unification of electromagnetic force with gravitational force in a single step
7.                  Origin & development of Quasar / Galaxy / Star / Planet / Sun spot / Tsunami / Earthquake / ATOM as consequences of Angular force of the nature.
8.                  Contradiction to E= mc2

About this Work:
No doubt, Mr. Gathoria’s work has brought the fundamental physics back to the age of 16th century & is worth for at least two Nobel awards.

Prof. B.P.Chandra DSc Las Anglis
Vice Chanceller Ravishankar
University Raipur, Madhya Pradesh, India

About some other work:

An Indian research technologist in Australia has challenged Newton’s First Law of Motion and called for a revision of the classical theory. An aluminus of IIT Kharagpur, Arindam Banerjee, working for Telstra in Melbourne, has contented in his book To the Stars! that contrary to the accepted theory an object can be moved without applying external force. The Internal Force Engine, which the 47-year old Banerjee has designed, never runs out of power because it is ‘self charging’ and doesn’t need any external source of energy – like burning fossil fuel of any radioactive process. “It is a machine derived from energy internal to the body and can achieve unlimited kinetic energy within a short span,” he said.
JULY 2003
Pg. No. 24


  1. Harris Benson, 1996, university Physics, revised edition, John Willey, Pp;88 ; John Willey and Sons, Singapore (1996).
  2. Resnik / Halliday / Krane,1994, Physics , 4th Edition, Pp-78, col.2, para4 line 5-6; John Willey, Para fourth. ; John Willey and Sons, Singapore (1994).
  3. Resnik / Halliday / Krane,1994, Physics , 4th Edition, Pp-815, col.2, para 4; John Willey and Sons, Singapore (1994).
  4. Resnik / Halliday / Krane,1994, Physics , 4th Edition, Pp-1191, table1; John Willey.. ; John Willey and Sons, Singapore (1994).

Innovative Physics : Centrifugal is a Real Force

Arun Gathoria, India.
Copyright 2005
This research work is fully based on following postulates :-
  1. An effect follows the cause in lock step.
  2. A real force performs a real work done.

Kind attention:
Centrifugal Force is a real force which gets generated to act upon particle in circular motion, out-words from the centre of circular path. Its magnitude is equal to the magnitude of centripetal force and its direction is opposite to the centripetal force.
In existing Physics  centrifugal force has been established as a pseudo / imaginary / false force

Centrifugal force as a "real" force may be understood by an experiment in two parts:-

(i) Part-I      -        Two dimensional event Fig. 1 Work done by a variable force : Two – dimensional case.( see ref.1)
(ii) Part-II    -        Three dimensional event. Fig. 3 Swinging pendulum (conical Pendulum).

Part-I – Two Dimensional Event: In this part a horizontal force P acting on a particle "m" may vary in direction as well as in magnitude and the particle may move along a curved path.( see refer.1)

A small object of mass "m" is suspended from a string of length L. The object is pulled sideways by a force "P" that is always horizontal until the string finally makes angle q with the vertical. The displacement is accomplished so slowly that we may regard the system as being in equilibrium during the process.
In the free body diagram in fig. 2 the cord makes an angle q with the vertical and by applying the Newton's second law the vector analysis is as follows:
X Component T sin q – 'P' = 0 (Zero) ........................(1)
Y Component – T cos q – mg = 0 (Zero) ...................(2)
T = Tension (as a force)

Since force P acts only in horizontal direction therefore the work done by P is
Wp = mgh

By applying galileon concept of "cause & effect" we observe the following three effects by a horizontal force "P" as a cause –
(1)   Formation of an angle “q
(2)   Displacement “d” of mass m in horizontal plane.
(3)   Gain of work done "mgh" against gravity ( “m” gains the height “h”).

After observing above three effects, now horizontal force P is withdrawn from the system and mass “m” regains its initial vertically suspended position.

Part-II (Fig. three) Three Dimensional Event: (Swinging pendulum). Now object ‘m’ suspended vertically is allowed circular motion about a point. The force given to the circular motion is increased successively. As a result of this, an angle “q”, radius “r” and gain of work done "mgh" against gravity are observed in the system in equilibrium. These are the same effects which we have already observed in two dimensional events in Fig. 1 as effects of horizontal force "P". Therefore in three dimensional event of swinging pendulum, these three observations as effects confirms that the horizontal force "P" is existing naturally as a real force in this system and along the circular path this horizontal force "P" becomes radial one as a real centrifugal force acting on the object "m".
In three dimensional event of swinging pendulum, the vector analysis of the forces in free body diagram (see fig.2) is the same as has been given in

two dimensional event of part-I. Therefore free body diagrams of mass "m" of part-I and part-II are the same (Fig. 2).
In equilibrium in Part-II event, from the equation "1" in vector analysis diagram:

T sinq — P = 0 (Zero)

It confirms that in circular motion in swinging pendulum centripetal force " T sin q" equalizes real centrifugal force "P" and object remains at net force (0) (Zero) radially, in equilibrium (no force remains for circular motion). Then what force is responsible for circular motion that is a subject matter of angular mechanics and new laws of Motion discovered by the same author given on forth coming pages.

D'Alemburt Principle & Centrifugal Force: (see refer.2) Author claims this principle as very clever principles as it describe the real centrifugal force as a pseudo/imaginary/fictitious force. In D'Alemburt principle, no responsible factor has been considered for the formation of “q” angle, radius “r” and gain of "mgh" against gravity by the object “m” in circular motion in conical pendulum. Therefore, this principle does not have any option other than to consider the real centrifugal force as a pseudo/imaginary/fictitious force and to keep the centripetal force as a responsible factor for circular motion.

"Prediction based on the equation 1 and 2 in two dimensional even" in equilibrium – equation 1 and 2 predict that an analogy of geostationary satellite may be developed in a room by a object suspended in mid air at net force zero by applying a counter field force just against the direction of field force of the gravity (Fig. 4 on 6th page) and the analogy has been successfully fruitful. Such object on the one hand remains at net force zero in static equilibrium while on the other it remains in circular motion along with the earth with same angular velocity (see fig.5)


1. It is clear from above text that following identical characters in Part I & II events conform the existence of centrifugal force as a real force in circular motion:-
(1)   Formation of angle “q
(2)   Horizontal gain of displacement "d"/radius "r".
(3)   Gain of work done "mgh" against gravity.
(4)   Free body diagram of mass "m".
Indeed above four findings are the Prime facie evidences of centrifugal force in circular motion in a conical pendulum.
2 Centrifugal force as a real force has a magnitude equal to the magnitude of centripetal force and its direction is opposite to that of centripetal one.
3 In equilibrium the real centrifugal force equalizes the centripetal force therefore no specific equation of centrifugal force is required. Equation of centripetal force with minus (–) sign may be used as a equation of centrifugal force. e.g. –GMm/r2  in case of determination of the weightlessness of the geostationary satellite. In Geostationary satellite the force of gravity + GMm/r2  as a centripetal force is equalized by a real centrifugal force - GMm/r2  , this equalization results in weightlessness, then what force is responsible for orbital motion of the satellite in the space that has been discovered by the same author in his further research papers.
4. Source of centrifugal force is a subject matter of angular mechanics and new laws of the motion discovered by the same author and is described in the fourth coming research paper of the same. This development calls for a total revision of total fundamental physics immediately.



  1. Physics by Resnick, Haliday and Krane, Physics, vol. 1, V Edn., p.137/138, John Willey and Sons, Singapore (1994).
  2. Engineering Mechanics by MERIUAM & KRAIGE 4th Edn. P.246/247 John Willey and Sons, Singapore.



The Photograph of a magnetic disk levitating over a super Conducting  Material.

(It is the analogy of Geostationary satellite, (GSS), magnetic disk is suspended in mid air at net force zero in static equilibrium. Gravitational force (+mg) acting on the magnetic disk., is equalized by repulsive magnetic field force (-mg).

Note: The previous paper on contradiction to Newton's First Law of Motion by primafacy evidence is just explanatory/complimentory one to this paper as in both the papers uniform circular motion takes place at net force zero (0) practically.

When we are whirled in a circle by a fairground ride, ‘centrifugal force’ makes us fly outwards. It is due to the centrifugal force as a real force only


Inspite of a real force of the nature it is pseudo one for those, who are unknown the invisible Universe.

Note: The previous paper on contradiction to Newton's First Law of Motion by primafacy evidence is just explanatory/complimentory one to this paper as in both the papers uniform circular motion takes place at net force zero (0) practically.