Monday, September 27, 2010

Innovative Physics: Arun Gathoria Introduction

Subject :          1) Challenging the theories of Gravity (Newton & Einstein’s both)
                        2) Discovery of new / perfect  / ultimate theory of the Universe
Ref.:                1) The births of stars and planets remains largely mysterious because the events are shrouded in dust. (pg. 82 Col. 1, Para. 4)

                        2) Europe’s physicist want to explore the limit’s of contemporary physics, looking for any flaws in the fundamental theories developed in the 20th century that may open the door to the most profound discoveries of the 21st century. (pg. 83, Col. 2, Para 1)
                        Both the above reference are from ‘Cosmic Vision’ of ‘European Space Agency’ under its project of ‘Space Science for Europe 2015-2025’

3) Burning bright, the fearful symmetry of the Hourglass Nebula is framed by a process as yet unknown. (pg. 116, Hourglass Nebula MyCn18 / Plentary Nebula / 8 thousand light years from Universe by Nicholas Cheetham, published by Smith-Devies Publishing, 46 Dorset Street, London, UK) 

4) Now, nearly 300 years later, a new theory is shaking the very roots of physics. Unleashing a flurry of new experiments and sharp debate, the theory suggests the existence of a new force in nature. If indeed this theory is correct, it might prove the teachings of Galileo, Newton and even Einstein wrong, by proving that there is a force that works against gravity. (from Physical Science / Student text & Annotated Teacher’s Edition, Second Edition 1991, Published by Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Clifts, New Jersey – 07632)

In the light of above references and new experiments and observations, I am glad to inform you that finding the major flaws in existing fundamental Physics. I have discovered an ultimate / perfect / new theory of Universe under following headings : -
1.                  Contradictions to first law of Motion by natural evidence.
2.                  Centrifugal force : a real force of the nature.
3.                  Contradiction to Einstein general theory of Relativity.
4.                  New laws of motion.
5.                  Angular force: A unique and most fundamental force of the nature, responsible for structure and modeling of the Universe and its full Physics. It is the same force responsible for anomalies in the tracking of Pioneer-10 spacecraft of NASA and the formation of an enormous hole in the Universe nearly a billion light years across as discovered by astronomers of University of Minnesota ( and model of the Universe as discovered by myself given in CD.
6.                  Unified field theory of the Universe: Unification of electromagnetic force with gravitational force in just a single step.
7.                  The birth & development of Quasar / Galaxy / Star / Planet / Sun spot / Tsunami / Earthquake /ATOM / Electron as consequences of the Angular force of the nature.
8.                  Contradiction to E=mc2 in just two steps (Contradiction to Einstein’s special theory of relativity)
I have already got the copyright of my work and I am interested to keep them safe upto myself. I welcome any organization for a peer review on my work by a group of scientist of fundamental Physics and for the same purpose a C.D. on my initial work ideas on fundamental Physics is enclosed herewith.
I am sure that after a complete peer review of my work, there shall be no mystery remains on Universe as we will have the perfect / ultimate model of the Universe along with a new theory describing / explaining how galaxy / stars / planet came into being in it.
I shall be highly please to interact with all scientists on video-conferencing.
Hoping for critics and questions.
Kindly reply on my e-mail –
With regards,

Arun Gathoria
(A freelance Scientist in Physics)

1 comment:

  1. Hey sir Kya app 2007 m Delhi 3murti m rhta tha . Us time Ramadhar Tiwari nam k apke roommate the
